Tuesday, September 4, 2007

tipah yang 'muda'

Tipah’s hairdresser told her so often how young she looked for her age that she was beginning to believe her-until tipah mentioned that her children were planning a party for her birthday.A few days later, she opened a card from her hairdresser.printed on the front were the words ‘best wishes on your 80th’.but…..i was turning 75th think tipah.

AYONG say:kadang-kadang kata-kata yang ditujukan kepada kita tu hanya untuk mengambil hati kita semata-mata..tapi, if we meant what did we just said,just confirm nothing goes wrong about that.if not,si penerima atau pendengar kata-kata kita tu akan menerima nasib yang sama sepertimana tipah..kesian tipah.mesti die sedih sangat2..

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